Mission Honduras LeMars: Riecken Library
Henri J. Nouwen (1932-1996)
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  In late 2003, the small village of El Guante, Honduras, received notice that an international organization base in Washington, D.C., the Riecken Foundation, would be building a library in their village. A great deal of excitement ensued in the coming months for the people of El Guante. The foundation has built many other libraries in other rural Honduran villages. Mission Honduras LeMars teamed-up with Gehlen Catholic Mission Honduras and donated $2,000 for the materials and construction of the fence that will surround and protect the library. The Gehlen Catholic High School student team of Easter 2004 actually started the construction of the fence. The Riecken Foundation, an international group that builds libraries in small rural villages around the world, came to El Guante and constructed a new library for the village. Once construction was completed, the foundation opened this library with 1,000 books and a few computers. The Gehlen Catholic Student Teams of 2005 and 2006 brought along books from their own school's Book Fair to add to the limited books in the library. In El Guante, a village that still gets water only twice a week, the library will eventually have internet capability. According to Seivert, the blend of reality in their everyday life and the future is going on everyday in El Guante.

Students from April 2004 Trip
Gehlen Catholic students from the April 2004 Trip constructing
the library fence

Completed fence around Riecken Library
The completed fence surrounding the Riecken Foundation library

Completed Riecken Foundation Library
The completed Riecken Foundation library

Lise Freking reading to children in library

Lise Freking reading to children in completed library

You give but little when you give of your possessions.  It is when you give of yourself  that you truly give.
                                             ~ Kahlil Gibran



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