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Francis with Yesenia and some of her family

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.    ~ Seneca

It is our mission to attack poverty in the 'second poorest country' in the western hemisphere through water projects, food program initiatives, housing, health care and education.

   MHL continues with one of our most important programs - clean, drinkable water for many villages.  To date Mission Honduras LeMars had completed 42 water projects throughout Honduras. In each case we expect the water to be chlorinated and able to be used for drinking. Most projects require the digging of a well and constructing a brick and mortar water tank, purchasing a pump, digging trenches from the water tank to each village home, laying water pipes, and hooking up the system. We need you help and support to continue bringing clean, drinkable water to those in need. 

  • 40,000 children throughout the world die every day from malnutrition, starvation, & hunger-related diseases
  • One child dies every 5 seconds due to hunger-related causes
  • Malnutrition severely affects a child's intellectual development
  • 80% of people in rural Honduras use surface water sources, causing many health problems
  • 50,000 Honduras children under the age of 5 die each year from water-related diseases
  • 3 billion of the world's population live on less than $2 per day, including Honduras


home along road to SulacoThis home, along the road to Sulaco, is built of mud and sticks. Scraps of tin and branches have been used to make the roof. The woman who lives in this home sells sticks for firewood so she can buy a little food.

building the water tank in La Florida

All of their lives, the people of Montaña de la Flor have had to carry water from streams to their homes. In the spring of 2010, MHL teamed up with Rotary to provide 3 villages with the materials to supply water to each of their homes. For the first time, the family above is collecting water from the spigot outside their home to be used for drinking and cooking.

Francisca shows signs of acute malnutrition Carlos feeds Plumpy Nut to an extremely malnourished child

Children pictured here suffer from hunger and malnutrition. All mission teams hand out medicines, soaps, clothes, toothpaste, and new shoes that were donated from Mission Honduras LeMars. MHL also purchases TFJO food and Plumpy Nut for these children and their families.



Clinic AnnexClinic in El Guante

young children in MDLF

The picture above right shows the Clinica Asistencial La Caridad, built by Mission Honduras LeMars funds. Pictured left is the clinic annex. The clinic is under the control of the Ministry of Health in Honduras.

'Then Feed Just One' Food Program
   Another one of our programs involves direct food aid to those most in need who are living in Honduras.  MHL teams up with Then Feed Just One, Inc. TFJO is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation (www.thenfeedjustone.org) with a mobile food packaging program that packages life saving nutritious meals for starving children and their families in Honduras, Central America. The meals are comprised of rice, soy flour, freeze dried vegetables, and a mix of vitamins and minerals. Each year with the cooperation of TFJO, Mission Honduras LeMars ships over 1 million meals to the most needy in Honduras. Most of the food goes to malnutrition centers, orphanages, and schools. Please join us in helping the most needy with your support today.

Faith takes the word
out of our vocabulary.

Tolupan family receives boxes of food

distributing food on Montaña de la Flor

Charity should begin at home but should not stay there.
                            ~ Philip Brooks

MHL continues to be involved in many other and varied interests, some of which are pictured here.

distributing food in Montaña de la Flor

demonstrating a chlorine-producing unit

helping at St. Mother Teresa's Don de Maria

Love and kindness are never wasted.    They always make a difference.

~ Marian Rogers   

two completed homes

student team works on a house

building bunk beds for Nueva Capital families


The most acceptable
service of God
is doing good to man.

 ~ Benjamin Franklin

Contact Us
 Mission Honduras LeMars
 PO Box 1203
 Le Mars, IA  51031

Phone: 712-540-3062
Email:  rseivert2@yahoo.com

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